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Preschool & Kindergarten – Montessori with STEAM approach – Ages 3-6

Preschool / Kindergarten

Nurturing the optimum potential of every child, not just in academics but also in all other aspects of life! 

Our program for young children offers a variety of activities that cater to the unique developmental requirements of each individual child, providing them with enriching experiences. 

Exploring new horizons through inspiration and innovation. 

The preschool years are a remarkable period for a child’s development, full of possibilities and potential. These early experiences lay the foundation for their future, shaping their academic and social growth. That is why we are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of every child in our care. 

Our approach to learning is innovative and engaging, with standout features such as peer-to-peer teaching, a unique reading program (it encourages early literacy and a love for books) and a STEAM curriculum that blends science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. We believe in educating the whole child, fostering character development and social skills that will serve them for life.  

But it’s not just academic growth that we prioritize. Our curriculum also includes character education and social development, promoting kindness, empathy, and respect. We believe that through hands-on, multi-sensory materials, we can instill a lifelong appreciation for learning and a deep sense of curiosity about the world. 

At our school, we’re committed to helping every child unlock their full potential and discover the joy of learning. Join us on this journey of discovery and development, where the possibilities are endless.

A One-on-One Montessori curriculum with a focus on

Practical Life

Montessori practical life activities are crucial in developing young children's independence, coordination, concentration, and self-esteem through meaningful and purposeful tasks.


A unique combination of Montessori materials and phonics-based learning programs


Sensorial life is of great importance as it allows children to explore, discover and learn through their senses. Children can explore and classify their sensory experiences, which in turn promotes cognitive development and prepares them for future learning.

History & Geography

Learn about the past and present cultures as well as the world around you.


A concrete and hands-on approach to learning math concepts, allowing them to develop a strong foundation in mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills that can benefit them throughout their lives.

Botany & Zoology

Learn about animals, plants, weather, and the solar system.


Yoga and mindfulness promote early development of physical, mental, and emotional health in young children.

Outdoor time

Outdoor time enhances children's physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

Well-rounded Values

Engaging in art activities in preschool can foster creativity, fine motor skills, self-expression, and emotional development in children.


STEAM education in preschool helps foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on learning experiences that integrate science, technology, engineering, arts, and math concepts

Greater opportunities for Enhancement (Extra Enrichment)!

Greater opportunities for Enhancement (Extra Enrichment)!


Yoga and mindfulness promote early development of physical, mental, and emotional health in young children.

Outdoor time

Outdoor time enhances children's physical, cognitive, and emotional development.

Well-rounded Values

Engaging in art activities in preschool can foster creativity, fine motor skills, self-expression, and emotional development in children.


STEAM education in preschool helps foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on learning experiences that integrate science, technology, engineering, arts, and math concepts

Mango Kindergartener